Dan - Week 9 - How's Soccer Season Been?!

 For those of you in our class who don’t know, soccer is one of my favorite sports. Coming from Chile, soccer is a major part of many young South American boys' upbringing, and it was no different for me, so when I moved here to the States I picked up right where I left off, and it’s only been up from there. This year, I am the captain of our Eagles varsity soccer team, a title that I feel I’ve worked extremely hard towards and one that I’ve earned, not received. Ever since joining the team my Freshman year, we’ve made the playoffs every season, and I don’t expect that streak to end under my captaincy. This year, we have a young yet hungry team, a team that’s going out onto the field and giving their all until the last minute. We have six starters that are underclassmen, which at first glance would seem like a disadvantage, but I’ll be the first to say that there’s not another group of guys that young in our soccer district that will put their blood and sweat into every play, and that’s why our team and I step onto the pitch every game with full confidence in ourselves. Although I consider the entire roster to be a “bright spot,” some of the brightest spots on our team include goalie Ari Mayzel, who is only a sophomore but can jump and save shots like a 30-year old veteran, or center defender Asher Nisanoff, who is in complete disregard for his opponent’s life as well as his own when he defends. One of the best things about this team is that it is full of young, promising soccer players. Mark my word for it, in about two to three years Donna Klein is going to have a remarkable soccer team. Not that we don’t have one now, but some of the talented underclassmen are going to get better as the years go on, and more importantly, they’ll get taller. If I had to be honest, that’s probably the one downfall we have as a team this year; we are humorously short. Every team we’ve faced so far has had at least a couple tall, lanky players, but we have, on average, what I would imagine is the shortest team in our district. Oh well, what can I say, we’re Jews!

Are you playing any sports for school this year? If you are, which one are you playing and why do you like it?

Adult Soccer - Department of Recreation - Montgomery County, Maryland


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