Ethan Week 3- “Looking at a Coyote”, by Javier Zamora

Looking at a Coyote” by Javier Zamora is a symbolic poem about the relationship between an Illegal immigrant, such as Javier Zamora coming from Mexico, and a Coyote. The title, “Looking at a Coyote,” is very significant as it conveys the underlying message of the poem. More specifically, when looking at a Coyote, one observes an animal that is a vicious predator who, at the same time, is a scavenger, always moving and searching for food as well as a better life. The author is trying to illustrate a comparison between how many Americans view illegal immigrants, at first sight, today, and how they actually are. Many Americans view them as animals, predators, not humans. They view them as invasive species that must be gotten rid of. They feel that the illegals are coming to steal their resources and their jobs, similar to a Coyote stealing another animal’s food. In my opinion, we should have a legal path to citizenship and, at the same time, we as Americans need to also be more compassionate and understanding towards those who are seeking our incredibly lucky lives. I feel that whenever we think of an illegal immigrant or a Mexican for example, we immediately jump to someone who is a foreigner or a savage, trying to invade our country. This most likely comes from the endless conversation to stop our border crisis and deal with illegal immigration. How do you think stereotypes are created about illegal immigrants nowadays? How do you think we can stop the border crisis and who or what is responsible? Do you agree with Zamora that the average American perceives Mexicans in these ways?


  1. Hi Ethan. This is a very moving poem. I love your analysis of the title and how the author sees this illegal immigrant as an animal, moving and searching for a better life. I agree that Americans will also see illegal immigrants as animals, not even humans, and we need to be more compassionate about these immigrants stories, background, and reasons for coming to the US. I agree with Zamora that many Americans view Mexican people this way, but I wouldn't say the average American since many do not.

  2. Hi Ethan, I think this poem is very relevant to today's society and reveals some of the problematic stereotypes people have for immigrants specifically. I think this poem addresses the issue of stereotyping and gives an opportunity for the reader to rethink and remove biases they might have. Your analysis of the comparison of an immigrant to a coyote shows how the author offers a perspective that can lead to people being more compassionate when talking about immigration.

  3. Hi Ethan, what an analysis for such an amazing poem! I agree with you that the border crisis is a serious problem for Americans. After reading this poem, I was able to gain an appreciation for the diversity among immigrants who try to enter from Mexico, even though most people view them as the same people. I liked your analysis of how a coyote represents the immigrants as they try to move into the country and stay alive at the same time. Overall, 10/10!


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