Lauren Hodes- Week 10- The Power of Firsts by Amanda Gorman

     The poem entitled "The Power of Firsts" written by Amanda Gorman is an inspirational piece describing the power of female firsts regarding education and empowerment. Throughout the stanzas, there are different examples of uplifting firsts having to do with young women and their achievements. The purpose of this poem is to showcase these examples that revolve around not only women overcoming obstacles to get an education, but their outstanding achievements as well. When Gorman writes "

The miracle isn’t just in a girl being the first;

It is in her seeing

that which is nonexistent;

It is her seeing the blank space of an untouched sky

and sculpting her own dreams into the emptiness" she really states that women can accomplish anything they set their minds to. This stanza really stood out to me, as a woman, because of how moving it is to see young women around the world making strides. From medical, political, and everyday advancements women truly are taking the world by storm which is what Gorman really encapsulates in her poem. 

Another line that really encompassed the essence of this poem was "These girls don’t want to be unbelievable

they want to be believed in,

for educated girls not to be a marvel

but a movement" because it shows exactly what women want to be believed in and this movement of equality to fully take off. 

The title is significant because it puts a certain level of importance and emphasis on the power within every single woman and their actions. Every first that a woman accomplishes will certainly not be the last. I really thoroughly enjoyed this poem. I thought that the message behind the lines was extremely powerful and as always was excellently written by Amanda Gorman. Gorman's life is significant to the poem because of the many accomplishments she has reached. At 22 years old, Gorman was the youngest inaugural poet to ever grace the stage for a president. She was able to spread her important messages about pressing issues because of her hard work, dilligence, and accomplishments.


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