Jacob Poller Week 9- Comfort Objects

Who here can say they have some sort of comfort object? I’ve found that there is sort of a stigma around these objects even though a study showed that  35% of people in the British Isles say that they sleep with a comfort teddy bear. But I have a question: Why do we have comfort objects? Child psychology offers an explanation. Not to keep it too long winded, but it states that the child uses it as a transitional device. Which is essentially a device that helps keep a child grounded as they slowly transition away from dependency on the mother. (Should you want any more information on that, I'm not the person to talk to) And this makes sense. Of course, a child would need to have something to help go through that process. But, with that being said, what about nonphysical comfort things? What about things like songs? On that, I’m slightly more qualified to talk about. I have a few songs that offer comfort. One of those is Zombie Pop by DPR Ian. This song was shown to me by a friend and now it’s a staple in one of my playlists. I don’t know what makes this song so comforting, but what I do know is that it brings old memories back in the most vivid ways. And it’s those memories that offer comfort in a trying time. 


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