Jacob Poller Week 5- Reflection on an Argument

    How strange it is to see people fighting over such menial things. The way that people will find things that affect nothing and no one, and take that and argue. Witnessed an argument over whether firearms should be legal in the States. The opponent took the stance that it’s specified in the second amendment that we as a people have the right to keep and bear arms. (Mind you these are only thoughts, and these thoughts are affecting no one.) The other had taken the stance that if you have a firearm you are a criminal who will or already has murdered someone. (I will not be giving any sort of opinion as I'm more than sure it would lead to chaos.) And all through this encounter, all I could think was “What does this matter?” These two people were both strangers who by all accounts could have been friends, but when a singular topic arose they were at each other's throats calling each other “idiot” or “half witted” among other things. It's a shame. We all focus on each other's thoughts on topics and rather the content of their beings. But nevertheless, we all hold our biases, no matter who we are.


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