Dan - Week 5 - The End of the Flag Football Season

 On Monday we played our final flag football game of the season, losing in the district semi-finals to Hebrew Academy from East Boca. It was bittersweet, to say the least, leaving the team after such a successful year, yet with so much left on the table. Our team was like none other I’ve been on ever since I started playing flag my freshman year. We had a new coach, for one. His name is Coach Ortiz, and we appreciate him as much as he appreciates us. He brought a new culture, a new identity to the Eagles, and as players, there’s nothing more important than that. 

We had an extremely successful year, going 5-1-1 and eliminating our rivals Yeshiva from playoff contention along the way. Our massively successful offense was led mainly by seniors, with Truce at quarterback, Dovie at running back, me at tight end, and Sammy and Aviel at wide receiver. We ended up being top 5 in the league in points scored, and while we didn’t conclude the season with the result that we wanted, it was far from a disappointing year. 

Some of our best moments during the year included a comeback win against Lake Worth Christian, who was the second-best team in the district at the time, as well as a defiant win against Trinity Christian, but there might not have been a larger moment than our tie against Yeshiva. Now, yes, I understand it was a tie, but everyone and their mother counted us out of that game, as we had only twelve seconds to drive down the field and score a touchdown, something that was near impossible. After a long pass from Truce to Aviel, we had one last play to score from about fifty yards away, and on a prayer throw, Aviel caught the ball over three Yeshiva defenders, tying the game and eliminating Yeshiva from playoff contention, boosting us to the number one seed. It was one of the most exhilarating experiences I’ve had in a while, and I wouldn’t return my time with the football team this season for anything in the world.

Would you ever consider joining a flag football league or playing for a team? If not, would you ever want to join any other sort of intramural sports league?

Flag Football - Kidsports


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