Romy H Week 8 Why I’m Pro Gap Year

I think taking a gap year is an amazing opportunity that everyone should take advantage of if possible. I know that there are many cons to taking a gap year such as financial reasons, plans to go into careers that require multiple years of schooling after college, and many more. For some reason, taking a gap year is not as common as I think it should be, so I will explain some pros of taking a gap year. 

A gap year provides an extra year to develop as a young adult, discover what you wish to pursue at the collegiate level, travel, and become more independent. If you think about it, choosing what you want to study at 18 is crazy because it can ultimately determine what job you will get and affect your whole life. Having a year to explore different career options and subjects before going straight to college helps you figure out what you want to do. A gap year is a time where you can explore different subjects without the stress of grades and school in general. My gap year program has many internship, volunteer, and elective class opportunities to help us figure out what truly interests us. 

Taking a gap year after high school is arguably the best time to do so for those not planning to go to law school, medical school, or any other additional school. Upon graduating college, many students want to find a job immediately, sucking them right into the workforce. Additionally, taking a gap year after college can sometimes be seen as a waste of time on your resume unless you are focusing on what you majored in or wish to pursue. A gap year after high school can be more fun and chill because you can describe this point in your life as a year of discovery and finding your passion before studying it in college. I think that taking a gap year after high school is the perfect way to take advantage of your younger years because there is not much time in your life where you can just drop everything to explore and live. 

On the other hand, I understand that a gap year may not be for everyone. Some people want to go straight to college and feel that their studies are most important. I am focused on personal growth and feel that I will be more mentally prepared for college after a year of traveling and making memories with friends in a new place without having to worry about school. I feel drained, and I feel that a year without school will help me feel rejuvenated for college instead of feeling burnt out. Although it might not be the right option for everyone, I feel that taking a gap year should be more common. A lot of high schoolers are so focused on their studies and grades that they forget to stop and enjoy life for themselves. Of course, education is extremely important, but there are so many other opportunities to learn and grow besides in an institution. Overall, I think taking a gap year provides time for students to develop individually, figure out what they want to study/do, live independently, and just take a break from the pressures of school to focus on personal growth. 

Are you taking a gap year? If so, why? If not, what are your thoughts on taking a gap year? 


  1. Hi Romy, I agree with your argument and think you make excellent points. I am most likely going to take a gap year and go to a yeshiva, but I still have to figure out where exactly I want to go. I wasn't planning on taking a gap year until I visited a Chabad on a college campus and most of the kids had taken gap years and were more mature. After seeing this, I realized that a gap year would only help me if I want to become more involved with Chabad/Hillel on campus and make friends within Jewish circles. At the same time, I have realized that there are many benefits to a gap year, and I hope to strengthen my Jewish identity by spending a year in Israel.

  2. Hi Romy. I am also going on a gap year and think that it is the best option for me, but I agree that it is not the best for everyone. Some people see it as a waste of a year that they could have spent studying and being more productive. I disagree with that argument because I am going to be learning a lot on my gap year in Yeshiva and find it to be very productive to my growth as a person spiritually and mentally.

  3. Hi Romy, I do really agree with this post and think gap years can be awesome for some people. I am signed up for Bar Ilan gap year next year in Israel and I think it would be so amazing. I want to see where I get into college before I make my final decision but there are so many pros to a gap year.

  4. Hey Romy, I'm largely in agreement with you on your stance on gap years. I believe a gap year in Israel would offer us, as 18 and 19 year olds, unforgetable life experiences and would help us meet new, amazing people. Another reason why I am pro-gap year is because I don't see what the rush is in going to college. We just finished an excruciating four years of school, why would I want to rush into another four? Overall, I feel like a gap year would offer me amazing experiences and it would help me grow and learn as a person.


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