Lauren- Week 8- AP Exams

 Among our senior class, there are a bit of differing opinions in the split between AP kids taking the end-of-year exams and the 12th graders who have decided to opt-out and not take AP exams. While I have decided to take all my exams, I completely understand the viewpoint of not taking them. After all of us get back from Passover Break and the March of the Living trip, having spent 2 weeks on an emotional trip to Poland and Israel, it will be hard to be able to shift gears and focus on major tests. Additionally, many people have opted out of taking the tests simply because of the fact that we are seniors and all of us just want a break! Personally, the lure of getting lots of college credit ultimately made me stick by my decision. But for many, their dream college does not even accept most AP classes so it makes more sense not to put yourself through the grueling process of the studying, lead-up, and 3 or 4 hour exam. My rationale is that after sitting through the class all year and learning the material I might as well put it to use and take a shot at a possible 12 college credits for some colleges I am looking at. In the past, I have not studied too much for the exams (except for AP Human Geography in 9th grade) so I figure that I will just study a bit and give it my best shot. Are you taking AP Exams? Why or why not?


  1. Hi Lauren. I made a deal with my mom that I only have to take 2 exams this year, but I think AP Exams, especially this year, are pretty worthless. Most colleges don't accept the credit anyway (both of my siblings took a lot of APs during their high schools year and neither of their colleges accepted any of them) and now that we'll have been out of school for a while and completely checked out, I know I'm not gonna do so great. I'm only taking Lit and Enviro because I already could tell that Gov and Stats wouldn't go well and I have a lot of trust in Mrs. Ho and Mr. Farley to ready me for these exams.

  2. Hi Lauren! I was debating this decision for a long time, but I have decided to take all 4 of my AP exams. Now that I am not going on the March of the Living, I will probably be spending that time studying for the tests. A lot of the schools I am looking at will except most tests if you receive a 4 or a 5, so the college credit is definitely an incentive. I hope to get college credit so that I can take more major-focused classes or electives instead fo Gen-Eds.

  3. Hi Lauren, I agree that this is a hot topic for Seniors. As of now, I am planning on taking all of my exams. However, if I know for a fact that I am going to a school that won't accept my credits, I'll probably skip some exams. It's very possible that I'll end up losing interest in some classes second semester like most seniors, and I might skip some exams because of that as well. If I am prepared for the exam though, I'm assuming I'll take it.


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