Lauren Hodes- Week 9- Happy Thanksgiving

 Hi guys! I hope everyone is excited for the upcoming Thanksgiving break! I am very much anticipating this break and can’t wait to spend a lot of quality time with my family. Both of my brothers, Joshua who is a Senior in college and Sammy who is a Freshman in college, will be coming home for a little over a week. They both go to University of Florida in Gainesville so it makes coming home much easier because they are in the same location. I am so excited to cook with my mom for the holiday. In addition, I am excited for my whole family to be together for 2 Shabbats and we have so much to cook for that as well. For Thanksgiving, we will go to my Nana and Poppy’s house with my Mom’s side of the family Wednesday night and my Grandpa and Grandma’s house on my Dad’s side of the family Thursday night. Most of the food is pretty simple for thanksgiving as we make a turkey, veggies, sweet potatoes, a pomegranate salad, and pumpkin muffins. I really enjoy the holiday of Thanksgiving and really think that the message behind the whole day is very meaningful. I think that many times in life people become preoccupied with unimportant matters and it is nice to have a day to realign yourself, give thanks, and spend time with the people that matter most to you. Thank GD this year has been great in health and happiness and it is really just an opportunity to be thankful.


  1. Hi Lauren! Your thanksgiving sounds really fun! I have never had pumpkin muffins, but you have to tell me how they are because they sound super good. I think it is really awesome how close you are with you family.


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