Isaac Week 10 - "Together and by Ourselves" by Alex Dimitrov


    In this poem, Dimitrov describes how life could pass by where we go through all of the motions of life and have friends that we have fun with, and do important things in life, but in the end, you have to ask yourself what really matters and what is important to you.
    Although this poem was very hard to understand, one line that I thought was very meaningful was when Dimitrov asked the question "why the [...] sea hold[s] what it loves most below" (Dimitrov). This basically means that the most important things in life need to be discovered after lots of looking and cannot just be found right away. You have to actually go to the bottom of the ocean to find these things and can't just be focused on what is in the shallow part.
    The title of this poem relates to the poem because of the phenomenon of being with all of your friends, but nobody is actually present. This phenomenon relates because as a group of friends, no body is focused on digging deep to see what is on everyone else's mind, and just like that, the group is only focused on the shallow aspect and not the deep trenches of their relationships. They are together, but actually by themselves as the title suggests.
    I thought this poem was interesting, but also was confused a little bit as it was hard to understand. I agree with the message of the importance of digging deep to find out more about people and think that everyone should try to do this.
    What do you think of the message of the poem? Do you think there is another message in the poem?


  1. Hi Isaac. This is a very interesting poem. I've definitely experienced feeling life pass me by, especially the phenomenon you mentioned of not feeling present with your friends. With technology, nowadays, it can be difficult to live in the moment and not get wrapped up in social media. I try to spend quality time with my friends without our phones, especially at dance where we're forced to not be on them, or on facetime and just talking. Especially in our senior year, I'm trying to soak up every moment before I graduate and to appreciate all the time I'm spending right now. I think it's very important to not let life pass you by, and to not get preoccupied with dumb things that won't matter later on.

  2. Hi Isaac, I agree that this poem was difficult to understand. It was brought up a lot of references to nature, which I had trouble connecting to the main message of the poem. I felt like this poem made me think about how I am spending my time on a day to day basis. It gave me a mini existential crisis because I was thinking about how at times I am only half engaged when interacting with friends and family.


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