Ethan Week 9- Happy Thanksgiving!

How’s it going, everybody! I figured that it would be appropriate to write about Thanksgiving considering it is coming up very soon. I am very excited about Thanksgiving and it is one of my favorite holidays. I am especially excited for my neighborhood’s Turkey Trot 5k race. I win the race every year because I usually run against a lot of old people and some pretty good runners, but there have been a lot of new people moving into my neighborhood this year so I need to make sure I am ready. If you read my blog from last week you already know that I have been doing a lot of yoga recently, which will help with my preparation for this race. I also need to get a good night’s sleep before the race and not stay up until 1 AM like I usually do. Wish me luck!

Next, I feel that I should acknowledge all the things I am thankful for. I am very thankful for my family, friends, and current life situation. I am very thankful for having food and water, helpful technology, a comfy house, good education, the opportunity to play soccer, and many opportunities to succeed. Finally, I am thankful to be alive and healthy, for being Jewish, and for living in a warm community. What are you guys thankful for? What is your favorite part about Thanksgiving?

Finally, Chanukah is coming up and I am also very excited for that holiday. I would say I like Chanukah a little bit more than Thanksgiving because I get presents and sufganiyot (donuts), but both are still really awesome. What are you hoping to get for Chanukah? I am hoping for a new soccer ball.


  1. Hi Ethan, first of I want to congratulate you on your performance in the 5k. Mazel Tov. Secondly, I agree that Chanukah is a slightly better holiday. It last for 8 days instead of 1, and its history dates much further back then the Pilgrims (not to show off or anything, but...). I love eating latkes, sufganiyot, and homemade cookies shaped like dreidels. My favorite part of Thanksgiving is being able to spend time with family without worrying about homework assignments and tests. It's nice to have a break from all of that for a bit.

  2. Hi Ethan! I think it's great that you win the Turkey Trot every year. This blog put an image of you running past a bunch of senior citizens which made me laugh. My favorite part of hannukah is the party my grandma hosts for my entire family. She makes really good cookies, and I love spending time with my family.

  3. Hey Ethan, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you had a great time and we're able to see anybody who you wanted to. This Thanksgiving was a bit different for me, as I did not stay home. I was actually in Long Island, New York for Thanksgiving this year, as I went to spend it with my aunt, uncle, and cousins, including my new baby cousin who was born about a week before Thanksgiving. I've never been a very big fan of traditional Thanksgiving things, such as the food or the backstory of it, but one thing I'm very thankful for is the opportunity I get every year during this time to see friends and/or family that I haven't seen in a long time.


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