Dori Week 9- My Plans for Thanksgiving!

Hi everyone! Similar to many of you, I am so excited about our mini Thanksgiving break. I look forward to this holiday every year because it is a great opportunity to spend time with family and friends, cook/eat delicious foods, and actually reflect on what we’re grateful for when we might otherwise forget to. 

This year, I am not entirely certain what all of my plans are yet. I am definitely going to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade, as I do every year, cause it always gets my family and me in the Thanksgiving/holiday spirit. I am also going to have Thanksgiving dinner with my family and grandparents on my mom’s side, and I plan on baking desserts for it! I’m not sure which desserts I’ll be baking, but chocolate chip cookies or apple pie are safe predictions for now. Then, there’s a chance that I’ll be doing one or two “Friendsgivings” for the first time, but that still has to be planned. I am very excited about potentially getting to see some of my friends who are in college now since it’s been difficult to visit them due to COVID-19 and school. For Black Friday, if any shopping is going to be done, it will be online. I have never done Black Friday shopping in person because it seems unnecessarily aggressive and crowded: if any of you have experienced Black Friday shopping, though, feel free to tell me about that below. Of course, there are homework and college essays to do, so I am also going to take advantage of this mini-break to get as much work done as I can before midterms.

I just find it crazy that this is our last Thanksgiving as high schoolers and our last short break before this semester is over! This year has surprisingly been going by fast, and I can’t believe that in one year from now, we’ll all be in different places. I hope each of you has a great, healthy Thanksgiving, and let me know below what your plans are or any other thoughts you have about this holiday!


  1. Hi Dori. I agree that it is crazy to think about where we will all be in 1 year from now. On Thanksgiving for me, I do not watch the Macy's Day Parade, but instead, I watch the Detroit Lions, my favorite football team, play every year and hope not to get depressed after the game as the Lions are not doing that well this year, or any year in the past 50 years honestly, but there's always next. I will also eat dinner with my family, but I'm not such a big Turkey guy, and I don't know if this is controversial, but I think that chicken is just 100 times better. I am thankful for everything that I have and think that this holiday is a great time to think about that, but I also think that I should be grateful everyday of the year and nit just on this holiday.

  2. Hi Dori! Thanksgiving has already passed, and I did most of the same things as you. My parents woke up early to do the Turkey Trot while me and my sister slept in and missed the first hour of the parade lol. Then we watched the dog show and I took a nap and missed half of that too! Then I stayed home and watched Grey's Anatomy with my mom while my sister and dad went for a walk on the beach before dinner. We did some black friday shopping, but we got super tired and didn't find a lot of good deals anyway. But it was a lot of fun! I agree it's so crazy that next year I'll technically be "coming home" for Thanksgiving and it won't be like how it is now. So weird. Now the last day of my break I will be spending doing all the homework I decided not to do when I had free time! #awesomesauce

  3. Hey Dori, Happy Thanksgiving to you too! I look forward to our small Thanksgiving break every year, as I usually get to see family or friends during that time. I ended up traveling to Long Island, New York for Thanksgiving this year, as my cousin, aunt, and uncle all live there. Also, my older cousin just had a baby son, so we had his Brit Milah as well. On Thanksgiving day, I watched a lot of football since it was on from 12PM-10PM, and I stuffed my face with multiple dishes at the Thanksgiving dinner table. I usually don't watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade, and that didn't change this year.


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