Isaac Week 4 - The Ethical Implications of AI

 There is no doubt that the future of technology rests in AI. AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is when a computer learns from past behavior in order to make future decisions. So, when you get recommendations of what to watch on YouTube, or are shown videos on your For You page on TikTok, that is all AI showing you stuff that it thinks you would like based on learning about you from past experience. This is just one way that AI could be used, but AI could also be used for automation.

Like I said earlier, AI learns from past experience and makes decisions that it thinks are best.AI is also being used for things like autonomous driving. But AI could be used for automating other things like the workforce. This is where the ethical implications take place. AI will undoubtedly work as a better workforce than humans could ever have as long as the technology becomes smart enough, so this means that we will replace the workforce with computers when the AI becomes smart enough. The problem with doing so lies in what purpose man would have in this world if everything is automated.

In this word that is not so hypothetical, the main place where people find meaning will be gotten rid of, and computers will be running everything. I don’t see how there could be meaning in the world if everything is run by supercomputers who are infinitely smarter than people. 

When hearing this, you might think that we should stop working on AI, but then are we not supposed to continue developing as a society even though we know that we could, as that would also take away a lot of meaning to life. And, we can’t just force everyone to stop working on AI.

To state this implication simply, what do you think is the meaning of life in a perfect world where there is absolutely nothing that needs to be fixed? Is there a way for us to develop AI that becomes infinitely smarter than people while still leaving meaning in the world?


  1. Hi Isaac,
    I really don't know what will happen in the future, but I do know that we can't stop people from advancing in technology. Every past groundbreaking invention that has changed the course of humanity has always threatened the jobs of people, but new jobs have come out of them. I am hoping that this is the same with A.I.. I cannot imagine A.I. being creative like humans can be, writing jokes, creating meaningful art, etc. I hope that more jobs will be created that use human creativity, the one thing that we have that A.I. can't replicate. If they do learn to be creative, I think we are doomed. I also think that we will do tasks that feel productive but actually aren't, like having a fake job kind of.

  2. Hi Isaac, this was a very interesting post about AI. While AI can cause people to lose jobs (as it has done already), I think that there will always be work for humans to do. Maybe humans will be involved in less physical labor, but there is still a need for people to program the computers that run the workforce and our world. Also, I think that we will never reach a point where there are no problems or a need for human knowledge to solve problems. I think that there will always be a need for humans to solve problems creatively, and that there are some limits to the technology of artificial intelligence. However, AI is really powerful, and I also do not understand it so well. I would like to learn more about the topic and write programs using AI to really grasp how computer can learn and make decisions.


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