Ethan- Week 5- Movies/Shows

 Hi Guys! I thought I would write about shows and movies this week, specifically about some of my favorites. Quick Disclaimer: I do not watch a lot of tv or movies so some of you may disagree with my Top ten lists.

To begin, my top ten television shows include: (this is in no particular order)

1. The Office

2. Scooby-doo

3. Impractical Jokers

3. The Simpsons

5. Peppa Pig

6. Charlie Brown

7. Pepe and the big wide world

8. Looney Tunes 

9. Tom and Jerry

10. Garfield

While the others may be debatable, it is unquestionable that The Office is the best show ever created! If any of you have not watched it I urge you to, and please watch past the first season before you make any judgments. My favorite characters are Michael, Dwight, and Jim because they each are so funny and have such unique and relatable personalities. For any of you other Office fans reading this, who do you like and why? Also, Impractical Jokers is another show I want to highlight. It is an extremely interesting concept to have your best friends tell you to do silly things through a hidden earpiece, and “if you refuse you lose”. While there are many inappropriate or weird moments in the show, overall it is still very funny and amusing. My favorite character is Joe because he just looks funny and he has very distinct facial expressions. 

Next, in terms of movies, here is my top ten list: (Again, this is in no particular order) 

  1. Star Wars

  2. Lone Survivor

  3. Kungfu Panda

  4. Avengers End-Game

  5. Act of Valor

  6. Harry Potter

  7. My cousin Vinny

  8. Miracle on ice

  9. American Sniper

  10. Wolf of Wallstreet 

There are two movies I would like to highlight here. First, Kungfu Panda is one of the best movies out there and it is often overlooked. I watched it again with my younger sister recently and it was incredible (not sure which one I watched, but all of them are great!). Next, Lone Survivor is a great movie as well because it is a true story about a Navy SEAL who was stranded in Afghanistan after his entire team and rescue were killed by the Taliban. The book goes into more detail about the soldier’s story and it is quite remarkable that he is still alive today.

I know many of you are not going to agree with my top 10’s. What are your favorite movies or shows? Do you have a top 10 list for either or any honorable mentions you would like to add? Who are your favorite characters from these movies or shows?


  1. Hi Ethan! I totally agree with your rating of The Office- it is definitely one of my top 5 favorite TV shows. My family and I also love watching Impractical Jokers; it's hilarious. Another great show you might like is Schitt's Creek, which is another funny, easy to watch, kind of show. My personal favorite TV show and comfort show is Gilmore Girls, which is about the lives of a mother and her daughter. Their lives are somewhat simple, yet fascinating, mainly because Lorelai was 16 when she had Rory, so they have a unique and extremely close bond.

  2. Hi Ethan! I feel the same way about The Office, it was such a good show and I'm really sad they took it off of Netflix. I also love impractical jokers, sometimes the pranks give me secondhand embarrassment, but it is super funny. I found out a couple of years ago that Zev actually knows one of the people on the show but I forget who. I have watched half of the shows on your list but haven't heard of half of the movies you listed. I guess we have the same TV show taste but not the same movie taste.

  3. Hey Ethan, from my understanding I think that your lists are pretty solid. I have watched a little bit of the Office (maybe a few episodes) and I agree that it is awesome. However, I believe that you left out one show by accident: New Girl. While I cannot stand the intro, this show is great for when you have spent the last 8 hours on your college essays and math homework and just want to relax for a bit. It is also good for any other occasion. I would highly recommend you give this show a try. Also, I agree that Kungfu Panda is amazing.


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