Ethan Week 4- Jon Gruden Canceled and Erased


John Gruden, an NFL coach who served for 15 seasons, has been canceled. In an investigation of which Gruden was not a part of, his private emails were viewed from 2011 (10 years ago) and were found to have racist, sexist, and homophobic remarks. First, it is obvious that his words were NOT acceptable and completely inexcusable. That being said, what precedent does this set to hold someone accountable for politically incorrect emails they sent over 10 years ago in private that were not meant for the public to see? Even worse, the NFL still employs serious convicted criminals. For example, Tyreek Hill choked and punched his pregnant wife and was charged with felony domestic assault and battery by strangulation. Why was he not fired? What about Antonio Brown; He was charged with burglary with battery, burglary of an unoccupied conveyance, and criminal mischief. Josh Jacobs of the Las Vegas Raiders, the SAME team Jon Gruden coached, was charged with reckless driving after crashing his car while drunk. The list goes on and on, but at least we got rid of the guy who sent some bad emails a while ago. By the way, Gruden was on a $100 million 10 year contract and was always respected by his athletes and fellow coaches. But still, if you say one bad thing ever in your life the cancel culture will come for you and they will destroy you. Jon Gruden was not only fired from his job but is now being removed by EA sports from an already existing video game, Madden NFL 22, and it does not stop there. According to the Daily Wire, “the Tampa Bay Buccaneers announced that … head coach Jon Gruden will be removed from their Ring of Honor”, an award that was given to him for being one of their best coaches in history, and also because he led the Buccaneers to a Superbowl victory. Does all this not seem extremely over the top for a few private emails that did not, and were not intended to, harm anybody? If anyone disagrees, I urge you to post your Gmail password and every text message you have ever sent privately over the last 10 years. Have you never said one politically incorrect thing in private ever? Humans are not void of sin, but yet the cancel culture holds certain people to impossible standards that they themselves cannot follow. Should Jon Gruden have been fired for this? Out of the 650,000 emails that were checked, is it possible that only Jon Gruden had bad ones? In 2021, should we hold people accountable for bad things they said in 2011? Do you want to live in a world where all of your old emails, hacked at any time, could be the reason for your downfall?... a world where there is no distinction between public and private?


  1. Hey Ethan,
    I agree that cancel culture is out of hand. People that have done much worse offenses such as Tyreek Hill or Antonio Brown get off without any repercussions and are still being employed. Our society is valuing how offended others get over legitimate violence which should be top priority.

  2. Hi Ethan, I thought this was an interesting post to read. I admit that I am not very aware of what goes on in the sports world, but I have been feeling mixed emotions about cancel culture in general. I think it's definitely prudent to cancel someone if they repeatedly do/say despicable things and do not change or feel any remorse. If they're a changed person, then that's a different story. I think since the Raiders took the measures to get rid of Jon Gruden, then the NFL should be consistent and not allow criminals, such as Tyreek Hill and Antonio Brown, to continue to play.

  3. Hi Ethan. I agree that Cancel Culture is very wrong. Why should a person get fired and get his reputation destroyed making it almost impossible for him to find another job because of something he said in private more than 10 years ago that was at worst a slightly offensive comment. What's worse is that not everyone is held to the same standards like how you talked about in your blog that convicted criminals are allowed in the NFL but a person who said something slightly offensive 10 years ago is not. This shows that cancel culture is not even about our society having a high moral standard but it is just about picking and choosing who's career to destroy based on actions they did that they likely are not proud of from 10 years ago. Even if a person were to apologize, they would still be cancelled, furthering the point that its not about morality at all.

  4. Hey Ethan. I do see the inconsistencies with the NFL as of late. When it comes to the players, I really don’t see why Tyreek Hill and Antonio Brown are still playing while other players like Colin Kaepernick had been blacklisted for protesting. It doesn’t make much sense.


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