Dori Week 5- Me, A Coffee Drinker?

    Hi everyone! I’m sure some of you can also attest to this, but I’ve found senior year to be very busy and tiring. With so many different assignments, tests, and college applications, it’s been easy for me to feel exhausted from it all. Consequently, I decided I would give coffee a try. 

    Now, I’ve tried coffee before a few times but never have liked the taste of it (I’ve always preferred tea or hot chocolate). When my friends were recently telling me about how good the fall coffee drinks are at Starbucks--obviously the Pumpkin Spice Latte was mentioned--I couldn’t resist. I ordered it one day after school in the smallest size, and to my surprise, I didn’t hate the taste. It was the kind of feeling where you can’t discern whether or not you like the drink but keep wanting to sip it. And the more I sipped it, the more I got used to the taste and realized I liked it. 

    I’m pretty excited to be a coffee drinker now. I don’t know why, but I always thought coffee drinkers were sophisticated somehow, and I’ve always wanted to like the taste of it since it often smells and looks amazing. Plus, now I have many more options to choose from at a coffee shop: no more cream-based frappuccinos for me! 

    Most of all, I’ve loved how the caffeine in the coffee has kept me more awake. Lately, I’ve been bringing some coffee in a Swell bottle to school, which has helped so much as a pick-me-up during lunch to get through the rest of the day. Also, the possibilities are endless when it comes to coffee. There are so many different kinds of coffee and ways to make it, which I have yet to explore. I currently only like frappuccinos and lattes that honestly probably don’t have much coffee in them, but hey, we all have to start somewhere, right?  

    Let me know in the comments if you like to drink coffee, and if so, what your favorite kind is! I’m open to recommendations! 


  1. Hi Dori, first of all I just want to say that this was very gripping and well had me from the title until the last word. I don't drink coffee because I have never done so, similar to what you explained about yourself. However, I would highly recommend the Double Chocolate Chip Frappuchino (I think that's what it's called), but it is more like a dessert. I occasionally drink tea on Shabbat because it's social and relaxes me. That's the closest I get to coffee.

  2. Hi Dori! I also love coffee. I don't ever really drink it for the energy, since it tends to just make me anxious and shake, but I've been drinking coffee probably since the beginning of middle school. I started really getting into it and making my own unique brew probably around freshman year. I think it tastes so good and is always fun to mix around with different recipes and flavors. Especially as I grow older, I definitely agree with you that's its fun to be a coffee drinker and I feel super sophisticated. Over the weekend I was visiting some colleges and found a local coffee shop next to one of them and ordered a coffee and did homework. I felt super cool and I can't wait to tell everyone that I'm a ~coffee drinker~.

  3. Hey Dori, I, surprisingly, found myself in the same situation this school year. I have never, ever been a coffee drinker. I never really enjoyed the taste of it, and whenever I drank it, my stomach usually did not get along with it, so I had all reason to avoid it. This was until a couple months ago, when I decided to try drinking a little bit of coffee again on a late night, hoping it would help keep me up and finish a stats assignment. Since then, I've been drinking coffee a moderate amount. It's nothing crazy, but it's obviously more than I used to, and honestly I enjoy it. A nice, sweet, iced coffee is a refreshing snack and it helps keep me up whenever I need it, so I'm happy about this recent change in my life.


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