Yair Gritzman, Week 2 - Best Shabbat Games/Activities *Updated Fall 2021*

 Week 2 - Best Shabbat Games/Activities *Updated Fall 2021*

Shabbat is a time of rest, but it is also a time for fierce competition with friends and family. Games are an important part of my Shabbat and Yom Tov routine, which is why I would like to share my top picks. I know this topic can be extremely controversial, but make sure to stay respectful in the comments.

Here is the list of my top 5 picks, in order of importance.

  1. Settlers of Catan

  2. Ping Pong/Table Tennis (I know, it's a sport)

  3. Connect Four

  4. Monopoly Millionaire Deal

  5. Coup

I will start with my least favorite because I want to get it over with. Coup. I haven’t played this card game in a while, but I do know for a fact that it is an incredible game. The game involves lying to your opponents and looking super unsuspicious in order to win. The game is obviously more complicated than that, but I’m rusty and not willing to waste words to explain.

At number 4: Monopoly Millionaire Deal. I want to be clear - This is the millionaire version, not the regular version where you need to get three full sets of properties to win. Instead, you need to get $1 million to win, but it is easier than you think (especially since the game involves fictional monopoly money). This game is perfect for when you come home from shul and want to wait 15 minutes before eating lunch. It is also for when you have 50 ESPNs due the next day and want a quick break, but nothing too long. Now that I think about it, this game is perfect for any occasion.

In third place, Connect Four. This game is simple to play, and even simpler to master. I recommend playing this game with little kids because it is easy to win every time and make yourself look intelligent. However, if you have a lot of regrets in life this game is not for you. The feeling of putting a piece down and then realizing that you just lost the game is painful, so be warned. Generally speaking, this game is played when all of your friends/family are busy playing a long board game such as Monopoly or Risk, and you need to fit in a quick 2 player game to act like you are also having fun. For situations like this, Connect Four is there for you.

Ping Pong is an obvious second place. This is the only sport that does not tire you out, but also makes you feel like you are having a strenuous workout. This game is meant for lazy people who need a sport in their lives to win at something. If this describes you, I recommend picking up a paddle and working on your game right now. Table tennis is a universal sport, which can be played on Caribbean cruise ships and even the Empire State Building (if that’s what you like). The reason I love playing this game is because I hardly ever lose to the people I play with, which strengthens my ego.

Drum roll please...okay now stop. First place is awarded to Settlers of Catan. I’m no board game expert, but I have to say that this game was built for Jews to play on Shabbat and Yom Tov.  It wastes the perfect amount of time that needs to be wasted on Shabbat, as games generally last between 30 and 45 minutes. Also, it is feasible to play two and sometimes three rounds of the game (as I did yesterday). This game involves building up your settlements and gaining resources in order to get 10 victory points. I guess that made no sense to anyone. Still, this game is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me. Well, probably not, but it is awesome and I would start a Settlers of Catan Club in school if I was given a free period after lunch.

I just wanted to take a sentence to apologize for wasting so much of your time by reading about my favorite Shabbat activities. I hope you learned something about yourself in the process.

Questions: What are your favorite board games? What are your favorite lazy sports? Do you agree or disagree with my list? Why?


  1. Hi Yair, this was an interesting post to read! I’m also a big fan of Ping Pong/Table Tennis (despite my lack of skills) and Connect Four as Shabbat games/activities. I can proudly say I haven't lost a Connect Four game in probably years. Bananagrams, Chess, Uno, regular Monopoly, and Spy Alley are games I really like too. I’ve actually never heard of Settlers of Catan, Monopoly Millionaire Deal, or Coup before but I’ll definitely have to try those games sometime!

  2. What is up Yair!

    I love all of the games you listed, but some of them would definitely not make my top 5 list. First, Monopoly Millionaire Deal and Connect Four are out. I would replace them with Chess and Spikeball. Some other good games or activities on shabbos are Risk, any card game, Ticket to Ride, and CodeNames which I think should also make the top 5 instead of one of the other games.

  3. Hey Yair!

    I just finished reading your very controversial blog and I have to say I completely disagree with your top 5 Shabbas activities. I think the board games you listed are good, but you have to take into consideration other activities. Hopefully you will be enlightened by my real list.

    Here is my top 5: First, taking a long Shabbas nap has to be in the number one spot no questions asked because you have to catch up from the sleep you lost during the week. Second, we have going to Shul where you can connect with Hashem, see your friends and community members, and get some nice chullunt. For third place, we have eating the Grove’s sugar challah the entire day for every meal. In Fourth, we have a three way tie between Spikeball, Ping Pong, and Chess. Finally, we have getting a good workout in because the grind never stops! Hopefully you have matured enough to realize that this is a true Shabbas activity list and that my top 5 is much better than yours. Thanks for reading!

  4. Hi Yair. I'm reform so I never really keep Shabbat, but all of these activities look so fun. I definitely want to start taking time out of my week to just relax and not use technology and this looks like a good way to occupy my time. Personally my favorite board game is Life, and I feel like that'd be a good Shabbat game to play since it takes literally forever if you play with a lot of people.

  5. Catan is my favorite. We get super silly when we play and have just a generally great time. It's been a while, though. Connect Four, on the other hand, we play all the time! Games in general are a great way to spend time with family. It is nice that you have that quiet time to just be together.


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