Ethan Week 1- "Second Attempt Crossing", by Javier Zamora

Second Attempt Crossing by Javier Zamora is an emotional poem about Javier, the author, attempting to cross the Mexican-American border for the second time with his guardian, Chino, and others who are seeking a better life. The title, “Second Attempt Crossing", is significant in that it depicts just how desperate foreigners are to live in our incredible free country, the United States, as they are willing to risk their lives however many times it takes just to cross the border. Those who are coming in illegally are usually fleeing other more cruel and corrupt countries that do not treat people the same as we do in America. Zamora illustrates just how desperate these immigrants are when he described the “dried creek [in which] 40 of [them] slept” surrounded by dirt, heat, and bugs. 

Additionally, throughout the poem, the author continues a grateful tone specifically towards Chino. Throughout the poem, Zamora continues to repeat the word “you” followed by a description of something that Chino did for him to express his acknowledgment of Chino’s virtuous actions. For example, Zamora says “you pushed me under your chest”, highlighting Chino’s selflessness. Moreover, in Zamora’s final line, he expresses how thankful he is to Chino for protecting him: “your brown arms that shielded me then, that shield me now, from La Migra [referring to law enforcement]”. By continuously repeating the word “you”, the author establishes a more personal connection to Chino and better gives light to his deeds to the author. 

Ultimately, I feel very bad for people who are stuck in these situations where they are searching for a better life than their current one, and have to flee their home country because it is tyrannical. At the same time, I also feel bad for those who are taking the legal path to citizenship and have been waiting in line for years to get their visa. Is it fair to allow all illegal immigrants in and have an open border when there are millions waiting to get in legally? How can we fix the border crisis?


  1. Hi Ethan. I agree that it is sad to see the conditions that people are living in outside of America, leading them to try to come to America illegally. I also think it is wrong to come to America illegally though in large part due to the fact that these people are essentially skipping the line and screwing over the people who are trying to come here legally. To fix the current crisis at the border, I think that President Biden needs to take a stronger stance on illegal immigration, because part of the reason that there is a crisis at the border is because of the weak rhetoric used by President Biden and lack of strong security at the border, welcoming illegals to come in.

  2. Hey Ethan. I thought this poem was very interesting especially the lines you chose to highlight. I also think it is a hard situation because people who are crossing the border legally put in a lot of work/effort. I think the ultimate solution is giving people at the Southern border an easier path to citizenship. This would result in way less illegal immigration. For people like Javier, their situation should try to be helped because of how dire it is.

  3. Hey Ethan, as you know I am an immigrant to the US just like Javier and his people, so I can see this poem from a different perspective. Obviously, I came here legally, which is a main difference, yet that doesn't take away from the significance that I can relate to them in some ways. What you said about them seeking better lives and more successful jobs and careers is very true, a lot of them feel like they have a better chance of having a more successful life in America as opposed to their native countries. I understand how it can be a conflicting position to be put in, as an American citizen who supports legal and civilized immigration, but also wishes the best on immigrants and has no problems with them seeking better lives. I obviously can't offer one solution to the issue, but one suggestion I would make is offer a specific deal to people who want to immigrate to the US with true good intentions.


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